Spiritual Meditation is a term used to denote meditation performed for spiritual reasons, or meditation performed spiritually, with the goal of solving any number of personal problems.

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, many individuals are seeking ways to find inner peace and balance. The ancient practice of meditation allows individuals to connect with their inner selves, explore their spirituality, and achieve a state of calm and clarity. If you’re interested in exploring spiritual meditation, here’s everything you need to know to get started.

Understanding Spiritual Meditation

Spiritual meditation is a practice that goes beyond the physical and mental aspects of traditional meditation. It involves a process designed to quieten your physical mind, and heighten your connection with the still spirit of the moment, where the presence of the creator can work in and through you. The goal is to cultivate a sense of alignment to the wellspring of all creation, eventually bringing a sense of peace, harmony, and spiritual growth.

However, like many things in life ‘the devil is in the details’ and a practitioner should take some time to understand the deeper process, to achive the desired goals.

Not all meditation practices are created equal, and the term meditation itself has become quite generic.

The meditation practice we recommend, is specifically designed to achieve a simple outcome, and then allow that outcome to make the changes required to solve any human problems. The problem with us Humans is we place a lot of reliance on our own thoughts and experience, forgetting that our thoughts and experience is often bias, or jaded with past events. That process has it’s place in our lives, but typically gets in the way of the spiritual process.


Trust in the Moment

Our meditation process encourages you to trust in the stillness of the moment to accomplish any necessary work to achieve positive outcomes. To illustrate this process, imagine someone who wants to achieve a sun-kissed complexion. They simply place themselves in a state where it naturally occurs. They simply sit still under the sun and let it do its work. Meditation is very similar. You can position yourself in a state where spiritual light can enter and take action on your behalf.

We refer to this place as “in the moment”, but it is essentially a state of being which is completely still and you are completely engaged in that stillness. Essentially this space is a state where “God” can be experienced.


Creating a Meditation Space

To begin your spiritual meditation practice, it’s helpful to establish a meditation space. Find a quiet and comfortable area in your home where you can be free from too many distractions. If that is not available, don’t be too concerned as background noise can be used to your benefit, as a tool to focus awareness. Personally, I always meditate in my office in a comfortable chair, and if the background noise is too distracting, I simply use ear plugs. Some people like to meditate in bed, and this is OK, but must be performed sitting up, or the tendency to fall asleep is too great.


Establishing a Regular Practice

Consistency is key when it comes to spiritual meditation. Set aside a specific time each day to dedicate to your practice. Start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Remember, the goal is not perfection but rather a commitment to regular practice.


Seeking Guidance and Support

If you’re new to spiritual meditation, seeking guidance and support can be beneficial. Look for local meditation groups or spiritual communities where you can connect with like-minded individuals. Consider attending workshops, retreats, or seeking guidance from a meditation teacher or spiritual mentor.


Embracing the Benefits

Spiritual meditation offers a wide range of benefits for both the mind and spirit. Some of the potential benefits include stress reduction, increased self-awareness, improved emotional well-being, enhanced spiritual connection, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life. Embrace these benefits and allow them to positively impact your daily life.


What religion is spiritual meditation affiliated with?

Spirituality meditation is a practice of connecting with the divine or higher power without any specific religious affiliations. It is an inward journey that can be experienced by anyone regardless of their faith, beliefs, or background. With spiritual meditation, the goal is to connect and tap into inner wisdom and to develop one’s own connection to something greater than ourselves.


What does the Bible say about spiritual meditation

The Bible is filled with passages that encourage us to meditate. In Psalm 26:10, it says, “Be still, and know that I am God” This verse speaks to our need to experience God through stillness and is the foundation to meditation.

In Luke 17:20-21, Luke writes: “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).” This passage speaks to the human tendency to look outward to physical answers, which is essentially a reliance on our own intellectual process to understand spiritual things. The idea of the “kingdom” of God is clearly metaphoric in nature, and points to the idea that it is some form of inward connection, rather than outside activity. Some have claimed that the correct translation is “the kingdom of God is AMONG you”, but that simply makes no sense in the face of the statement “The kingdom of God does not come with [outward] observation”.

Galatians 5:16 says; “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”. The idea of spiritual meditation is to enhance the process of living from that still inner place where the spirit of God is your guide. But more importantly, when dealing with physical problems like out of control lust or addiction, the idea is to not address those issues head on, but to simply grow in your connection to the spirit, and allow that to work on your behalf, which will gradually take always the desire for those ‘fleshy’ things.


What is the best time for spiritual meditation

The term “practice’ of spiritual meditation, this should be taken literally. The idea is to set aside a regular time each day to practice being in the moment.  The goal is to be in a meditative state for as much of the day as possible. This simply means being in a self observing state as much as possible. The regular time established are simply a way, to intentionally practice the process. Most practitioners meditate for around 20 minutes upon waking, and 20 minutes just before sleeping. It is beneficial to set aside some time during the afternoon for a top up.